How to get people to listen to you
Do you ever feel like you are speaking but no one is listening? This week in our newsletter, we have included a Ted talk where Julian treasure helps us through speaking so that people will listen.
We know ‘getting heard’ can be tough! Living in a rural area, with the healthcare system we have, being heard just regarding that can be frustrating. So when we came across this Ted talk we thought it could be really helpful for everyone out there. For us it is advocating for your health needs and improving health care in our rural and regional areas. For you, it might be communicating to your loved ones how you are feeling and helping them ‘hear’ what you have to say.
So in summary this is what Julian suggests:
He starts with the seven deadly sins of speaking to stay away from to ensure that when you talk people listen.
Embroidery / exaggeration
He then goes on to explain HAIL, to greet or acclaim enthusiastically, which he then breaks down to mean the following:
Honesty - Be true and straight
Authenticity - Standing in your own truth
Integrity - Being what you say
Love - Wishing people well
He suggests that if we take more time to consciously think about what we want to say and how we say it, people are more likely to listen.
What do you think? We really like the concept of HAIL as this is pretty core to our beliefs. Do you agree?