Contact Us
Macquarie Health Collective
Our practitioners are highly skilled in working with a variety of health care needs. Our collective and evidence-based approach ensures high quality care for all clients and their families. If you have an enquiry about how one or more of our providers could help you, please do not hesitate to give us a call or email us.
Call us - 02 6882 7113
Our Hours - Monday - Friday 8.30am - 5.00pm | Closed Saturday & Sunday
Please find after hours information below
Find us - 165 Brisbane St, Dubbo, NSW 2830
Email us -
General enquiries -
Appointment related enquiries -
After Hours and Emergency Services
Dubbo After Hours GP Clinic
Located at
Dubbo Base Hospital
Day Surgery Unit
Myall Street
Dubbo, NSW, 2830
Clinic enquiries 6884 9739
Local GP Telephone Service
Call 6884 2100
Weeknights 6pm to 8am
Saturday from 12 noon
Sunday and Public Holidays 24 hours
Emergency Treatment
Dial 000