Dry July 2019

Welcome to Day 5 of the Dry July Challenge – how are you going? Here are some Psychological Tips for Surviving Dry July by Sarah Gibson.

Tough goals are easier to commit to when they are closely linked to our values. Remind yourself each day how Dry July relates to the kind of person you want to be, someone who helps people who are dealing with a serious illness, someone who invests in their own health, someone who embraces challenge. Values-oriented action can have profound psychological well-being benefits as well as the obvious physical benefits of abstaining so it is not just WIN-WIN it is a WIN-WIN-WIN!

Be aware that there will be times that the Dry July challenge might be uncomfortable so have a strategy in place for these moments. Urges inevitably arise when we first change a habitual behaviour especially when a drink after a bad day can feel so good. It is reassuring to know that human beings are not wired to avoid pleasurable stimuli so rather than trying to block out an urge to drink (which has been shown to make the urge ‘rebound’) try these Mindfulness strategies based on the approach of expert coach and therapist Dr Russ Harris to stay on track:

Recognise that the urge to have a drink is a combination of thoughts, bodily sensations and feelings NOT an order that must be followed. The urge itself may feel uncomfortable but it cannot harm you in any way. The real harm tends to arise from how we respond to the urge. Trying to make the discomfort of an urge disappear, either by willing it away or by giving into it, moves us further away from the goal of abstaining. And this moves us further away from the values that we are trying to live up to by taking on Dry July.

Accept the urge to drink when it arises and rather than judging the urge as ‘bad’ simply notice the urge and acknowledge it. Observe it as you would a passing car, a cloud in the sky. Breathe into the uncomfortable bodily sensations that accompany the urge imagining that part of your body is ‘expanding’ around the sensation. The goal is not to control or minimise the discomfort but you may find this ‘expansion’ technique reduces it as a welcome side-effect.

Notice that cravings will intensify and subside like waves on the ocean. Watch this unfold in your mind’s eye with detached interest as if you were a curious scientist. Notice that you have experienced a strong urge mindfully without it pushing you around. Notice that your valued goals can guide your behaviour during Dry July rather than your urges.

Consciously re-commit to your values-oriented actions of abstaining during Dry July. Committed actions might include avoiding the ‘faces and places’ that you associate with drinking. Talk to a trusted friend or friends. Set yourself up for success by avoiding bars and clubs until you’re feeling more confident. Find a delicious non-alcoholic drink or mocktail for the times you are mingling with people who are drinking. When you are unable to avoid a trigger such as a wedding, date or work function, practise the Mindfulness response to urges as outlined above.

Wishing our MHC family a healthy and vital Dry July.

Read more at the Dry July Foundation website.

If you think you may have a problem with alcohol talk to your GP and/or contact the NSW Health Drug & Alcohol Service.


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